AOC Responsive Web Design
Creating a responsive web layout for a historical event that personally resonated with me. With AOC’s successful re-election as the New York’s 14th Congressional District Representative, I decided to create an informational website dedicated to showcasing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s background, experience, and accomplishments in office.
Action buttons need clear language so users know exactly what it would lead to.
UI/UX in web development is just as important as mobile phones.
In the future, I would like to further prototype my website layout to include horizontal scrolling, a “Back to Top” button, and automatic jumps to each section.
Adobe Animation Workshop
As an Adobe student ambassador, I created a fun Halloween-themed virtual workshop through YouTube Live in October 2020. I taught attendees how to animate a spooky ghost using Adobe Photoshop’s Timeline method.
Hosting virtual workshops was a lot more difficult than it looks!
When deciding with the Adobe team which streaming platform to use (Twitch, Discord, Zoom, IGTV), we decided that YouTube Live would be the most user-friendly platform to commit to.
I have a newfound respect for streamers.
Instagram Hide Feature
As a quick UX exercise, I developed a new Instagram feature that solves the issue not being able to archive individual photos from a carousel post. The Hide feature will offer users the ability to archive or delete an unwanted photo, while still keeping the original post visible on the user’s profile.
Observing the user interface of Instagram helped me learn about better information hierarchy and spacing for my own designs.
This project was the first time I attempted user research, which helped me validate my design decisions based on user needs.
TEDxSanLuisObispo is a student-run organization that aims to bring the TED experience to our local community. My job as Executive Director of Design was to transform the conceptual theme of “Xpanding Horizons” into tangible marketing collateral.
Everyone designs differently. The more design iterations we went through, the closer we got to our final product as a team.
I learned how to take constructive feedback and implement efficient turnarounds.
Creating a design standards sheet was essential to keep all 5 designers organized.
Food Fairy
For a club hackathon, I collaborated in a team environment to design a solution that optimizes the value of on-campus dining currency. We created the concept of Food Fairy, a mobile app that connects students to buy and sell with dining dollars efficiently.
As the sole designer of my team, it was important to communicate why each design decision was made instead of impulsively designing based only on visual aesthetics.